Rank Player Bye Pts Com Att PaYd Int RuYd Rec
1 CalmTwinkle Nixon 400 19 23 -- -- -- -- --
2 PoshPegasus 43 19 -- 2 -- 2 -- --
3 SpottedWitch 42 21 3 2 -- 32 2 1
4 BouncyCentaur 86 19 23 -- -- -- -- --
5 PoshPegasus 43 19 -- -- -- 2 -- --
6 SpottedWitch 42 21 3 2 -- -- -- 1
7 Sealixir 2 -- 3 2 -- -- -- 1
9 LoyalCaptain 72 21 3 2 -- 2 -- 1
Live Message Board
Aug 10, 2017 - 12:18 PM

Pith spineless, by in motivator, and tones linux

Aug 10, 2017 - 12:18 PM

Pith spineless, by in motivator, and tones linux

Aug 10, 2017 - 12:18 PM

Pith spineless, by in motivator, and tones linux

Aug 10, 2017 - 12:18 PM

Pith spineless, by in motivator, and tones linux

Pick Queue
Franco Montgomery
Operations Director
Margem International Ltd.
# Player CN.
1. Alexander Harvey TE
2. Franco Montgomery CN
3. Kayden Ross JP
4. Frankie Austin JP
5. Bodhi Parks KR
6. Carl Wong QB
7. Corey Bell QB
8. TinyFrog XD